Copyright House Directory

We have opened the Copyright House Directory. The directory shows a list of registered works with Copyright House, including the title of registered works, author, registration id of the work, date and time stamp, security code and other information submitted during copyright registration.

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Copyright House learning centre

In this section of our website we would like to give you more information about copyright. Most people have heard of copyright but when asked to define it realise that they do not have a full understanding of it. We will endeavour to give you a comprehensive definition of what copyright is and why it is important to register copyright. It is not only important to register copyright of your works straight away but to do so with a good, reliable copyright registration service that provides an independent third-party proof of copyright. We'll give you a full explanation of the reasons for this.

We hope to give you an insight into the laws surrounding copyright protection and the 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. You can also find a complete list of all the countries that a registered copyright will be valid in since the Berne Convention.

Certain areas of copyright can seem complicated so we have devoted a complete pages to areas such as music copyright and joint ownership of copyright, in the hope we can clear things up for you.

In these pages you will be able to find out, not only what copyright protects, but what copyright doesn't protect. We will also tell you about duration of copyright protection and inform you of the disadvantages of various forms of cheap copyright protection such as 'poor man's copyright'.

We hope you'll enjoy our copyright learning centre. We'll regularly update this section of our website with copyright facts. Feel free to contact us with questions, news, ideas and suggestions you may have. We'll gladly add anything which makes our learning centre an interesting and indispensable copyright knowledge base.

Next: What is copyright